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Xhelili, A., Strube, R., Grossi, F., Zvěřinová, I., Taylor, T., Martinez-Juarez, P., Quiroga, S., Suárez, C., Gjorgjev, D. (2020) A Technological Scenario for a Healthier, More Equitable and Sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen Perceptions and Policy ImplicationsInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(1), 231 Permanent link

Zvěřinová, I., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Strube, R., Marques, S., Dubová, D., Kryl, M., Craveiro, D., Taylor, T., Chiabai, A., de Jalón, S.G.(2020), How to Achieve a Healthier and More Sustainable Europe by 2040 According to the Public? Results of a Five-Country Questionnaire Survey, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(17), 6071 Permanent link

van der Vliet, N., Staatsen, B., Kruize, H., Morris, G., Costongs, C., Bell, R., Marques, S., Taylor, T., Quiroga, S., Martinez, P., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Zvěřinová, I., Tozija, F., Gjorgjev, D., Arild Espnes, G., Schuit, J. (2018), The INHERIT model: a tool to jointly improve health, environmental sustainability and health equity through behavior and lifestyle change. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1435; Permanent link

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UE4SD (2015) Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries. Editors: Kapitulčinová, D., Dlouhá, J., Ryan, A., Dlouhý, J., Barton, A., Mader, M., Tilbury, D., Mulà, I., Benayas, J., Alba, D., Mader, C., Michelsen, G., Vintar Mally, K. Charles University in Prague, Prague, 136 pp. Kniha je dostupná/Book is available online zde/online here

Ščasný M., Zvěřinová I. (2014) Stated preference study to examine the economic value of benefits of avoiding selected adverse human health outcomes due to exposure to chemicals in the European Union. Service contract for the European Chemicals Agency No. ECHA/2011/123 FD7. Final Report Part II:Fertility and Developmental Toxicity. Odkaz na článek/full text of the article

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