Environment Centre
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Financial support

European Commission, Erasmus+ Programme

Project duration


Coordinator of the project in CUEC

Jana Dlouhá

Project description

The aim of ESD:SuperVision is on the one hand to create the conditions for the development of high quality and cross-curricular school materials for secondary education on the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) and to make them available under a creative commons license.

On the other hand, as part of the project, teachers shall be trained to facilitate key competences to students (systems-thinking skills, (sustainability) entrepreneurship skills, values and needs overview).

Expected results and products (tangible and intangible outcomes)

  • Training courses and methods for teaching sustainability issues;
  • School-based curricula – adapted/aligned internationally
  • Evaluation tools, performance review
  • Manual of methods

The key competences can be implemented within all teaching subjects and are also interdisciplinary. This approach includes:

  • Training of teachers on the methodology and usage/applicability of ESD related topics;
  • Transferring, evaluation, adaptation and development of competence-oriented methods (tool-set) for the promotion of
  • School and curriculum development
  • Networking within the participating regions

Anticipated effect (impact envisaged)

  • ESD issues/topics as part of the subject curricula
  • improvement of teacher-student relationship
  • Open-source acceptance of cross-curricular school materials
  • multiplier effect on economic development within the participating regions?)

Project partners