Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling
Financial support
Czech Science Foundation
Project duration
Coordinator of the project in CUEC
- Prof. Anna Alberini Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)
- Mgr. Milan Ščasný Ph.D. (Scientific Coordinator)
Project partners
- University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting (Prof. Ing. Karel Janda, M.A., Dr., Ph.D.)
- Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies (Mgr. Milan Ščasný Ph.D.)
Project description
Czech Science Foundation selected three projects in the field of social research in the whole Czech Republic as part of the excellence in basic research. One of these projects is this project “Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling – FE3M”.
This research aims at pushing the frontiers of research on energy economics and modelling. We examine the causes of the energy efficiency gap, focusing on adoption and substitution of energy durables by households, and investigate to what extent consumers are willing to provide some flexibility to the energy system through demand response. We use both revealed and stated preferences, investigating their validity where appropriate. Standard bottom-up and topdown modelling tools are enriched to better represent household behaviour. We focus on the uptake and use of energy efficient technologies, the welfare effects associated with environmental burden and the health externalities that energy production and energy use cause. We develop several hybrid models utilizing Agent Based Modelling, Energy System Optimisation, Computable General Equilibrium, Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output, and Impact Pathway Analysis, integrated in a comprehensive modelling tool.
The aim of the project is to improve the economic modeling of consumer preferences and behavior related to the use of energy efficient technologies and flexible demand. Behavioral research will be based on several original surveys that we will conduct throughout the project. Top-down and bottom-up approaches will be used to develop a hybrid model. Standard bottom-up and top-down modeling tools will be enriched to better represent household behavior. We focus on the uptake and use of energy efficient technologies, the welfare effects associated with environmental burden and the health externalities that energy production and energy use cause. We develop several hybrid models utilizing Agent Based Modelling, Energy System Optimization, Computable General Equilibrium, Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input- Output, and Impact Pathway Analysis, integrated in a comprehensive modelling tool. We will organize four scientific workshops and seminars for students and professionals in the early careers. Several scientific papers will be published in the top journals in respective fields and project representatives will participate in international conferences.
Research team
- Prof. Anna Alberini Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)
- Dr. Milan Ščasný (Scientific Manager)
- Prof. Mikołaj Czajkowski
- Dr. Vojtěch Máca
- Dr. Lukáš Rečka
- Dr. Jan Weinzettel
- Dr. Iva Zvěřinová
- MSc. Vědunka Kopečná