Environment Centre
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Running projects

Centre of environmental research: Waste management, circular economy and environmetal secutiry

The aim of the project is to build a long-term, professional, interdisciplinary, research base made up of key research organizations with experience and expertise to carry out research in the field of waste and circular management in a broader context. The Center will provide the Ministry of the Environment, other ministries, expert platforms and other entities with research results, dissemination of scientific knowledge and expert support in policy making, strategies and regulations.

Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA)

The project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center, providing long-term expert capacity for socioeconomic environmental research.


University leaders in SDGs

The project aims to strengthen the role of universities as "effective, accountable and inclusive" public organisations by ensuring more effective collaboration in the transfer of good practice in the implementation of the SDGs within the operational aspects of universities (the so-called "Resources for Change"). Project is coordinated by Masaryk University.

Project web page

Prediction of emission savings in road transport achieved by application of the selected tax and fee instruments by 2030

The main goal is to design and evaluate fiscal instruments to reduce NOx emissions from transport by 5 kt by 2030 compared to the NPSE-WM scenario. 

Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies (GEOCEP) (H2020, 2021–2025)

GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.

BlueAdapt - Reducing climate based health risks in blue environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens (no. 101057764)

GEOCEP, a new interdisciplinary MSCA RISE project, led by Charles University, is funded by the European Commission. The project will connect the frontiers of climate change and energy economics with state-of-the-art natural and social sciences.

The aim of ESD:SuperVision is on the one hand to create the conditions for the development of high quality and cross-curricular school materials for secondary education on the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) and to make them available under a creative commons license.

Research and solution of barriers to the application of the FSC standard in Czech forestry (TAČR Éta, 2020–2023)

The project will help to understand the obstacles that prevent small and medium-sized forest owners from implementing the FSC standard of sustainable forestry and find solutions to overcome them. It will therefore contribute to the adaptation of Czech forests to the changing climate and the international timber market.

Modelling of Sustainable Forestry Scenarios Contributing To Climate Change Adaptation – Examining the Impacts on Energy Sector and GHG Emissions in the Czech Republic and Public Acceptability of These Scenarios by Czech population – LESY

The aim of the project is to identify forest development scenarios, options to implement adaptation strategies in forestry and to analyze impacts on energy, emission balance and the acceptability of given scenarios by the Czech public. The project translates adaptation measures into scenarios of development of crop and production characteristics, adds economic dimension (costs and benefits), social aspects (population preference), links scenario analysis in forestry and energy (the potential of usable biomass), and provides a follow-up balance of greenhouse gas emissions from forestry (mitigation effect), and a revision of the emissions of other pollutants. The project output is a complex assessment of scenarios in forest development in the country, including effects on other sectors and society.

LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited - Integrated LIFE project for the Natura 2000 network in the Czech Republic (2019-2026)

The main objective of the LIFE-IP: N2K Revisited project is to establish a more effective management system for Natura 2000 network sites in the Czech Republic. The aim is to link appropriate management more effectively with corresponding planning, based on accurate assessments of status and trends of the target features, accompanied by cooperation with land users. The project will effectively utilise knowledge of the benefits provided by natural capital to society and take into account relevant costs. The project will also support regional authorities, municipalities and land users to help them mobilise their own resources, including recommendations for the EU 2027+ programming period.

Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Economics and Modelling

This research aims at pushing the frontiers of research on energy economics and modelling. We examine the causes of the energy efficiency gap, focusing on adoption and substitution of energy durables by households, and investigate to what extent consumers are willing to provide some flexibility to the energy system through demand response. 

RCE Czechia: Regional centre of expertise Czechia

RCE Czechia is currently a community of 22 partners - Czech universities, schools, non-governmental organizations, representatives of local government and small-scale entrepreneurs - who aim to build a culture of sustainability and involve citizens in democratic processes.

Web pages of VCSEwiki (only in English)

VCSEwiki is a on-line platform - colaboration tool for education of  problems of environment and sustainable development in English. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in English  it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. 

Web pages of Enviwiki (only in Czech)

Enviwiki is a on-line platform - knowledge base - devoted to education oriented on problems of environment and sustainable development. Enviwiki should serve to support interdisciplinary education of environmental problems in Czech universities: it offers space for creating, publishing and sharing of specialized text and offers also methodological support. Published articles can be used both by teacher and students also in primary and secondary schools.

Journal web page

Envigogika is a specialist peer-reviewed professional open access periodical published by the Charles University (Prague). The journal publishes original academic papers and additional informative articles from the field of environmental education (EE), education for sustainable development (ESD) and also from other related areas. Journal is registered in the ERIH PLUS databaseDOAJ database and has DOAJ Seal of quality.

Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Czech Republic

The Center is involved in the national inventorying system, co-ordinated by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. It is responsible for annual inventorying of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector applying the IPCC methodology.