Environment Centre
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Authorities of the Centre

Contact data

Charles University Environment Centre

Our location:

José Martího 407/2
162 00 Praha 6

Official address:

Ovocný trh 5,
116 36 Praha 1
Czech Republic
VAT Id:CZ00216208


tel.: + 420 220 199 460
tel. secretariat: +420 220 199 472
e-mail: czp@czp.cuni.cz

Identification for scientific articles: Charles Univ Environm Ctr, Prague

Information for projects - PIC etc.

Hotel Krystal

The building, where are we located (owned by Charles University), provides also accomodation, cattering and conference premises. You cand find all details on web pages www.centrum-krystal.cz 

How to find the way to visit us

From the city centre of Prague:

by public transport: metro A to the station Nádraží Veleslavín, then walk this way.

by train: from Praha, Masarykovo nádraží in the direction Kladno, get off at Praha, Veleslavín and then walk approx. 650 m this way.

by car: follow the street Evropská in the direction airport (Letiště Václava Havla Praha), after passing the CUBE Office building turn left, see here for more details.

From the Václav Havel Airport Prague:

by public transport: take the bus no. 119 from the bus stop Terminal I (or Terminal II) directly at the airport and get off at the station Nádraží Veleslavín, then walk this way.

by car: follow the street Evropská in the direction City center (Centrum), turn right after passing the big yellow building of the Faculty of Sports on your right, see here for more details.

General information for foreign visitors

Traveling to Prague

Public transport in Prague

Foreign visitors in Prague

About Prague & Czech Republic

How to find us


Prague Integrated Transport (PID) includes metro, trams, railways, city and suburban bus lines, funicular and ferries.

Detailed information about Prague public transport are to be found at the Prague public transport company.

Public transport maps and schemes for download are at www.dpp.cz.


The Prague Metro network consists of 3 lines designated by letters and differentiated in colour:

  • Line A (green)
  • Line B (yellow)
  • Line C (red)

Operating hours are daily from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m., on Fridays and Saturdays to 1 a.m.


Daytime operation is from 4:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., on Fridays and Saturdays to 1 a.m.

Night operation is provided by tram numbers 51 to 59 in 30 minutes intervals.


The daytime and night operation of buses is similar to tram operation. Night service is provided by bus numbers 501 to 513.

All the schedules are located at individual stops.

Public transport fares

For details on the fares, please visit www.dpp.cz/en/fares-in-prague/

Where to purchase a ticket?

  • Transit ticket vending machines

Ticket vending machines are installed in all metro stations and at selected surface transit stops. They are intended for the purchase of individual tickets.

  • SMS ticket

In cooperation with all mobile operators, The Prague Transit Co. provides passengers with an SMS ticket service, making it possible to purchase a single transfer ticket using a mobile phone.

Customers wanting to purchase an SMS ticket must not have Premium SMS services blocked (these can be activated free of charge by calling the operator's help line).

More information on how to purchase SMS tickets is available here.

  • Advance ticket sales

Sales locations in the metro offer the entire range of tickets, and are intended primarily for the sale of transit passes, both for fixed and sliding validity periods.

  • Tobacconists and wholesalers

Selected tobacconists and wholesalers sell individual tickets.